Officers and Directors

The Club Officers and Directors are here to serve you!  If you have questions or comments, see an officer at a meeting or contact the club by e-mail.  Feel free to make suggestions, gripe, or just express what is on your mind.

Officers, 2018-2025

President(Elected)Larry Petry
Vice President(Elected)Dan Kaye
Secretary(Appointed)Allen Swft 
Treasurer(Appointed)Bob Finn 

Board of Directors

Immediate Past PresidentLou Anelli
DirectorMike Ammann
DirectorRalph Hoover
DirectorRachel Netzband
DirectorMaryke Patchett

Official Representatives

APS RepresentativeMichael Ammann
AuctioneersMichael Ammann
Auditor Ralph Hoover/Mike Ammann
Facilities ManagerRachael Netzband
Federation of CNY Delegates Allen Swift
HistorianAllen Swift
LibrarianMaryke Patchett
ParliamentarianAllen Swift
Press RelationsLarry Petry
USPS Liasion(open)
Youth ActivitiesJames Shattell

Glen S. Muters
Mike Ammann, Allen Swift, Lou Anelli